Many years ago Prigogine, winner of noble prize (1977) for nonequilibrium thermodynamics and dissipative systems declared “the end of certainty”. In the period of so called modernism, which almost emerged during renaissance. Uncertainty was only embedded in the mind of peasants who were worried about weather forecast which could either flourish his endeavor on land by proper sun shine and in time rain or demolish all in a hurricane. In 1965, Loranz demonstrated that the peasantry mind has been quite rational, and the wise human should always be worried about his agricultural products. Uncertainty is embedded in dynamics of air flow and clouds movement. Poincare, a genius French mathematician, announced to the king of Sweden that trajectory of earth around sun is not circular and it is even unpredictable. He opened eyes on nature once again which was shouting by rationality of Newton in his great classical physics.

   Uncertainty and fluidity are features of today’s life. Financial markets are collapsing in a chain crisis. Newtonian paradigm has lost his sovereignty.  Only in a cartoon generated game initial point can be defined to win the game. Nature follows its own sweet way with laws that cannot be easily revealed. Some unwise scientists used to smash the clock, not with a hammer but with funny instruments, like and mechanical tools to take apart building component and explore them one by one. Finally, they integrate the parts and presumably are satisfied that they have grasped the true knowledge of clock dynamic. Happily and certainly you would not apply these procedures to your body. Life is precious and colorful even for plants and animals, let alone human being. One cannot   disintegrate cells of a living species to inquire how it works.

   New revolution and renaissance is in progress exponentially which needs formalism not founded in classical and even quantum mechanic. The great achievements are not only in technological domain and artistic design of spacecraft, but in new windows where eyes are not slaves of any single scientific paradigm. Complexity paradigm is born with no registered birth date. The baby   growing fast and is already intelligent enough to know a straight line or circle is draw able only by the hands of a Euclidian mathematician with the help of a pencil and a ruler. Dimensions of natural objects are non-integer. Mandelbrot showed that fractal dimensions are due to the dynamic of a natural process, either in biological systems or economical enterprises.

   Complexity paradigm has inspired minds of natural and social scientists, medical scholars, creative engineers and financial managers. Chaos theory, dissipative systems, dynamics and nonlinear differential mathematics have made messy tables of libraries, academic offices and laboratories. The beauty of this new and shiny paradigm lies in its tremendous ability to integrate scientists, artists, and engineers upon minds. Life and universe is not as complex as we assume, it is as complex as we do not assume.

   The aim of the Research Center in Complex Systems is to pave the roads for students and researchers to run research and work together in multidisciplinary projects.

At present we are a small group of scientists and engineers, focused on the following subjects:

1.     Foundations of complex systems.
2.     Anticipatory Systems.
3.     Chaos theory.
4.     Fractal systems.
5.     Probabilistic dimensions of complex systems.
6.     Applications of complexity science in engineering, (Control, Electrical engineering).
7.     Applications of complexity science in architecture.
8.     Applications of complexity in chemistry (chemical oscillation).

Stephen Hawking : "I think the next century will be the century of complexity."